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信息来源: | 发布日期: 2012-12-19 11:34:12 | 浏览量:1437


DADTCO,其总部设在荷兰的子公司,在尼日利亚和莫桑比克。董事会是总部设在荷兰的两个人,董事总经理(MD)和财务总监组成。支持两名董事由董事会的的基础,STICHTING Administratiekantoor Dadtco的的DADTCO股份的^拥有人。投资者持有存托股份权利的。董事会由五人,每一个在某一领域的专业知识(农业,金融,淀粉衍生物和工程)的基础。


这种方法的例子是两个国家的^先进的尼日利亚的木薯加工厂(塔拉巴州和奥孙州)DADTCO与私人投资者和国家政府的合作伙伴。DADTCO IFDC尼日利亚和荷兰发展合作部密切合作,这两个国家在改善木薯生产小农的水平。DADTCO是负责保证市场的农民和销售的^终产品,高品质的木薯的面粉(HQCF)。随着新的农业过渡古德勒克乔纳森新政府的议程,面粉厂有责任以取代部分进口小麦面粉HQCF。此策略的设备提供了此刻的地方(农业)经济产生巨大的推动作用,并在尼日利亚对我们的业务产生了积极影响。


DADTCO (Dutch Agricultural Development & Trading Company) is a unique private sector company, established in 2002 which bases its approach on the combination of private entrepreneurship with a social vision. DADTCO has a wide experience working with farmers in the developing world, supplying them with agricultural inputs, and selling their produce in domestic and export markets. Building on this experience DADTCO develops innovative technologies and business models for commercial development of crop processing. The company is supported by a small group of investors. Today its shares are divided amongst 55 private individuals (Africans as well as Europeans).

DADTCO has its headquarters in the Netherlands with subsidiaries in Nigeria and Mozambique. The board of directors is based in the Netherlands and consists of two people, a Managing Director (MD) and a Financial Director. The two Directors are supported by the board of the foundation, Stichting Administratiekantoor Dadtco, the sole owner of the shares of DADTCO. The investors hold depository rights of shares. The board of the foundation consists of five people, each with expertise in a certain field (agriculture, finance, starch derivatives and engineering).

The most important activity of the company is its integrated approach towards agricultural development. DADTCO together with its partners covers the whole cassava value chain, from agricultural production with smallholder farmers, input supplies, cassava processing and the marketing of the final product in local and international markets. DADTCO also participates in the ventures they propose, always through majority equity participation and by providing senior management.

Examples of this approach are two State-of-Art Cassava Processing Plants in Nigeria (Taraba and Osun State) where DADTCO partners with private investors and State Governments. DADTCO works in both States in close collaboration with IFDC Nigeria and the Dutch Ministry of Development Cooperation to improve cassava production at smallholder’s level. DADTCO is responsible for guaranteeing the market to the farmers and for the sales of the final product; High Quality Cassava Flour (HQCF). With the new agriculture transition agenda of the new Government of Jonathan Goodluck, millers are obliged to replace part of the imported wheat flour with HQCF. This policy device gives at the moment a tremendous boost to the local (agricultural) economy and has a positive impact on our operations in Nigeria.



由于快速腐败,缺乏运输和处理设施少,提高木薯作为经济作物没有可行的 - 到现在为止。



What are we doing

DADTCO's main activity is the production of High Quality Cassava Flour and High Quality Cassava Cake.

Due to rapid spoilage, inadequate transportation and few processing facilities, raising cassava as a commercial crop has not been feasible – until now.

Our innovative "split" processing technology (in the field and at the factory) is dramatically changing the way cassava is perceived, grown and processed in Africa. The company’s Autonomous Mobile Processing Unit (AMPU) processes fresh cassava on-farm or nearby (instead of attempting to transport the crop to traditional processing plants prior to spoilage).

The AMPUs provide an efficient method to reduce costs and bring the first stage of processing close to the production fields, creating opportunities for thousands of smallholder farmers to supply cassava with a guarantee of purchase. DADTCO’s AMPUs are located in cassava production areas, while the primary factory, the flash drier, is located near a low-cost energy source. The flash drier processes cassava cake into cassava flour. Cassava cake contains 45% to 50% less water than cassava roots.










Flash Dryer

Drying of High Quality Cassava Cake (HQCC) into High Quality Cassava Flour (HQCF) is determined by two important matters:

1) The quality of the HQCF must meet all standards for food applications and must therefore be produced in a very hygienic way with all parts in contact with cake or HQCF made of stainless steel.

2) HQCC contains natural cassava fibres which are more difficult to dry than cassava starch granules. It is therefore impossible to dry the HQCC in one step to HQCF. Always dried HQCF must be added to HQCC in order to get a very good result in the dryer.

DADTCO is using the most efficient dryer possible for HQCC and such a dryer is called a Flash Dryer. The principle of a flash dryer is simple. Very hot air (180oC) is sucked and mixed with the HQCC inside a very long pipe (called the flash pipe) up to 40 meters high and 1 meter in diameter. The HQCC is passing through the pipe very quickly (in a "flash") and is dried to about 10% moisture.

After the flash pipe the now dried HQCF and remaining air are separated from each other in a very large cyclone. The remaining air which has a temperature of about 65oC is sucked through the main ventilator and blown out of the very exhaust pipe.

The dried HQCF is partly returned to the HQCC blender and goes back to the flash pipe, the balance part of the HQCF is passed into a cooling system which cools the HQCF down to ambient outside temperature. This very important because if not too warm HQCF will go into the bags and while cooling down in the bags will attract moisture from the air. This will lead to a quick development of "wild" yeasts and moulds which in turn will lead to a very bad quality of flour.

Once the HQCF is cooled down it is sieved off in a very large circular tumbler sieve (2 meters in diameter) where all particles larger than 200 micron (0.2 mm) are removed and send to a special flour mill (called a pin-mill) to mill this fraction down to less than 200 micron. This milled product is sieved off again on a 200 micron sieve and anything which is now bigger than 200 micron is excluded from the HQCF. This fraction consists completely of relatively large cassava fibres and can be used in the production of chicken feed, soil improvers or even mosquito coils.

All HQCF smaller than 200 micron goes to the bagging hopper in order to be bagged into 10, 25 or 50 kg net weight HQCF bags.

AMPU /闪蒸干燥机


AMPU/Flash Dryer

DADTCO developed a patented innovative "split" processing technology that has changed dramatically the way cassava is perceived, grown and processed in Africa. The company’s Autonomous Mobile Processing Units (AMPUs) processes fresh cassava on-farm or nearby, instead of transporting the perishable roots over long distances to a central factory. The obtained Cassava Cake is used as raw material in: Beverages, Cassava Flour, Starch, High Fructose Syrups, Bio Degradable Plastics (and other starch based products). The flash dryer dries the High Quality Cassava Cake (HQCC) obtained from the AMPU into High Quality Cassava Flour (HQCF that can be used as ingredient for compound flours. DADTCO’s AMPUs are located in cassava production areas, while the primary factory is located near a low-cost energy source.




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